Sunday, July 26, 2009

What Are You Waiting For?

Teenagers have the best reputation for being lazy. Face it, the average teen life is filled with selfishness, stupidity, immaturity, uncontrolled behavior, and ungodliness. Not all teens look like that. Not all teens have to look like that, certainly not the young Christian. But what does the Christian Young Adult life look like? How should a Christian appear at this age? Should they appear the same as everyone else? Is a Christian Teen supposed to care about compassion, purity, salvation of others, or worshipping God? Is age holding back this generation from going all-out for Christ and His Glory? What are you waiting for?

“Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.”
In Matthew chapter seven verses 15-20, Jesus tells us that anyone who is in Him will bear fruit. “Thus you will recognize them by their fruits,” He says. Notice He does NOT say, “Thus you will recognize them by their fruits, but only if they are 25 years or older because someone young can not be expected to do anything with their life.” He doesn’t say that! So knowing that, young people should still look like Christ. We are not children; thus we should be able to do great things to glorify God! So, what are we waiting for? We can’t wait until we get older to glorify God, we must start now. God can do great things through us in our teen years!
I have had many tug-of-war situations in my heart when I see a Christian my age act just like any other person you see at school. I sometimes wonder if they are really saved. The Bible refers to these people as “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Undercover Christians can fool you in church, but when they leave that building, they seem to leave Christianity as well. Jesus calls us to be Christians all the time, not just in a church setting where others can see us; therefore, we must be true to our claim of Christianity and obey God’s word. The Bible also says that we are not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed. We, as Christians, are set apart and what we say must follow through with the actions that we possess. That may look like being different in the way we dress, talk, eat, and treat others. Everything must be done to the Glory of God. If we are Christians, regardless of age, we need to obey what God tells us in order for Him to be glorified. The Bible never sets limitations on glorifying himself, so we also must not.

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